Who We Are

HACAP is a diverse, community-focused nonprofit dedicated to the improvement of families and individuals in our communities.  We provide a diverse array of programs and services that work toward removing the barriers of poverty. We collaborate among for-profit, nonprofit, faith-based, service groups and community members in order to make stronger, healthier communities.
As a community action agency, HACAP is 1 of 16 agencies in the state of Iowa that makes up over 1,000 Community Action Agencies in the United States. These agencies band together to connect our low-income neighbors in need with valuable services that aim at reducing poverty in our country.

HACAP serves the following counties in Iowa: Benton, Dubuque, Delaware, Iowa, Jackson, Johnson, Jones, Linn and Washington. If you are outside of our service area, please find your local Community Action Program by visiting: iowacommunityaction.org.

Our Mission

Helping people develop skills to become successful and build strong communities.

Our Vision

A thriving community where all people have the opportunities for success.

Guiding Principles

We are innovative, we are partners, we are responsive, we are leaders, we are HACAP.

Promise of Community Action

Community Action changes people’s lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities, and makes America a better place to live. We care about the entire community and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other.

Public Notices

LIHEAP State Plan
CSBG State Plan Public Notice
Iowa Weatherization State Plan Draft
Iowa Weatherization State Public Notice
FFY2023 CSBG State Plan Revisions
FFY2023 CSBG State Plan Revisions 7.1, 7.1a, 7.2, 7.3
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Client Complaint Form
HACAP is a proud member of the National Community Action Partnership, Feeding America and a United Way Partner Agency

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