Head Start & Early Head Start

These comprehensive early childhood development programs have an overall goal of increasing school readiness of young children in low-income families. In addition, Early Head Start provides a home program for pregnant women and children through the age of 3.
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Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)

A federally funded program that’s offered free of charge to providers whose child care development home is registered with the State of Iowa. This program offers financial reimbursement to providers serving nutritious meals to children in their care, along with offering free nutrition training, in-home provider support, and professional development. 
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Family Learning Connection

The family learning groups are free to any family with young children 0-5 years in Linn County. We use a variety of formats and activities to teach about many topics, including understanding child development, communicating with your children and encouraging positive parent-child relationships. Learn more.

Child Care Nurse Consultants

Provides access to registered nurses that offer guidance and technical assistance to child care providers, families, and communities regarding the health and safety of children. Consultant activities may range from answering specific questions by phone to education and on-site consultations.

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